Vers un gouvernement majoritaire ?

Le blogue DemocraticSPACE vient de publier ses premières projections. Les conservateurs frôleraient avec la majorité.

DemocraticSPACE - 08 septembre

According to the latest DemocraticSPACE projections, the Conservatives are edging closer to majority government territory (which requires 155 seats). Current projections put the Conservatives at 143 seats on 37.2% support, the Liberals at 94 seats on 28.1% support, the NDP at 29 seats on 17.4% support, the Bloc at 41 seats on 8.0% support (31.6% in Québec), and the Greens with no seats and 8.3% support. These projections are based on regional polling data for all major Canadian pollsters between 24 Aug and 6 Sep. Regional breakdowns are below.
Greg Morrow, Monday September 08th 2008, 11:39 am

Ces projections complètent les sondages qui paraissent dans les médias dont le dernier en date, paru aujourd’hui dans Cyberpresse, qui donne les conservateurs majoritaires en terme de sièges et 43% des voix.
