A l’initiative de Joseph Smarr (Chief Platform Architect pour Plaxo) et de Marc Canter (de Broadband Mechanics) une Charte des droits pour les utilisateurs du Web social a été proposée. Les blogueurs Robert Scoble et Michael Arrington ont co-signé cette Charte.
Je reproduis ici le texte de cette Charte qu’on pouvait trouver originalement sur Open Web Social, le 4 septembre dernier:
We publicly assert that all users of the social web are entitled to certain fundamental rights, specifically:
- Ownership of their own personal information, including:
- their own profile data
- the list of people they are connected to
- the activity stream of content they create;
- Control of whether and how such personal information is shared with others; and
- Freedom to grant persistent access to their personal information to trusted external sites.
Sites supporting these rights shall:
- Allow their users to syndicate their own profile data, their friends list, and the data that’s shared with them via the service, using a persistent URL or API token and open data formats;
- Allow their users to syndicate their own stream of activity outside the site;
- Allow their users to link from their profile pages to external identifiers in a public way; and
- Allow their users to discover who else they know is also on their site, using the same external identifiers made available for lookup within the service.
Il est possible de lire une traduction de cette Charte sur InternetActu : La déclaration des droits des utilisateurs du web social.
Sur les blogues de Joseph Smarr et de Rober Scroble, on peut consulter leurs billets sur le sujet.